sábado, 3 de junio de 2017

M6S2 Abilities

Physical  abilities

Cognitive  abilities

Social  abilities

I can run

I can read

I can go to parties 

Can I go to gym

I can mentally calculate

I can make friends

I can swim

I can play dexterity games

I can stay informed

I can walk

I can juggle

I can give a good impression

I can go to the buzz

I can stimulate my senses

I can smile at people

I can dance

I can learn new thing

I can use proper language


To play
To surf 
Buy souvenirs

Beach Activities
 I can go to the aquarium
 I can go to the beach
 I can make sand castles

 I can visit the family

 I can play volleyball
 I can play in the waves

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