sábado, 3 de junio de 2017

M6S1 introducing Myself

My information:

Name: Karla Vazquez Rodriguez

Mexican nationality

Age: forty-three years

Occupation: employee, housewife and student

Marital status: Married

Telephone number: 044 55 22 41 14 53
How are you?
My name is Karla Vazquez Rodriguez I am forty-three years old and I am a housewife employed and I study the prepa online I am Mexican and my telephone number is zero forty-four fifty-five twenty-two forty-one fourteen  fifty-three
It's a pleasure to be with you today

My friend's information:
 Name: Karen Guadalupe Vega Vázquez
 Nacionality: mexicana
Age: twenty years
Student occupation
 Telephone number: 22 29 87 82
 Marital status: single
She is my friend Karen Guadalupe Vega Vázquez
 She is twenty years old, she studies the university She is mexican and she is single 

His telephone number is Twenty-two twenty-nine eighty-seven eighty-two
She is the best of all my friends J

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